Integrity • Professionalism • Honesty • Personal Attention • Dedication
Integrity Professionalism Honesty Personal Attention Dedication
Eisenberg Law Office Is Here To Serve You
The Law Office of Michael D.J. Eisenberg, Attorney and Counselor at Law, practice areas include Veterans Benefits Appeals and Federal Appellate law. Mr. Eisenberg also accepts cases dealing with military records corrections, military medical evaluation boards (MEBs) and physical evaluation boards (PEBs), and Veterans benefits appeals.
The Law Office of Michael D.J. Eisenberg is VA-Accredited, can appear before the Agency, the Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA), the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. He can also prepare your Writ of Certiorari and provide representation before the United States Supreme Court.
Mr. Eisenberg prides himself on his reputation for prompt, clear communication with his clients, and everyone he deals with. He can present your case with professional dedication, personal attention, and persistence that produces results. You will always know how your case is progressing, and he will make sure that you understand the legal requirements every step of the way.
Practice Areas
Military Medical Evaluation Boards (MEBs) and Physical Evaluation Boards (PEBs)
Contact Mr. Eisenberg today to set up an initial teleconference to discuss your case.